Replace Missing Value

Example Variables(Open Data):

The Fennema-Sherman Mathematics Attitude Scales (FSMAS) are among the most popular instruments used in studies of attitudes toward mathematics. FSMAS contains 36 items. Also, scales of FSMAS have Confidence, Effectance Motivation, and Anxiety. The sample includes 425 teachers who answered all 36 items. In addition, other characteristics of teachers, such as their age, are included in the data.
You can select your data as follows:
2-Open data
(See Open Data)

The data is stored under the name FSMAS-T(You can download this data from here ).
You can edit the imported data via the following path:
2-Edit Data
(See Edit Data)

Path of Replace Missing Value:

You can replace missing values via the following path or the “Missing Value” button:
1-Exploratory Analysis
2-Replace Missing Value

A. Replace Missing Value window:

The “Replace Missing Value” window includes the “Replace with” panel to determine the type of replacing index.

C. Select Variables:

In the first step, you must select the variables you want through the “Select Variables” window.
For example, the two variables Age and math_hours are selected in this data.

D. Replace:

You can replace the missing values with one of the mean or median indices.
This button replaces the missing values with one of the mean or median indices. This message will appear if outliers are replaced successfully:
“Missing values were replaced with Replace With”
For example, “Missing values were replaced with mean”

E. View changes made (Edit Data):

In the Edit data window, you can see the changes made. For example, the 13th row of the Age variable is replaced by the mean of this variable.