Type of Higher-Order Models

  • Published on: 12/15/2022 3:34:35 PM
  • Author: DR. Emad Ashtari Nezhad
  • Category: SEM-PLS

We have illustrated a Higher-Order Construct Model with the example(Please See https://statisme.com/Home/BlogSingle/20).

These types of models have two elements: the Higher-Order Construct (HOC) captures the more abstract entity, and the Lower-Order Construct (LOC) captures sub-dimensions of the abstract entity. These models are divided into four types based on the relationship between HOC and LOCs and the relationship between latent variables and measurement variables.

Type 1: LOCs are Reflective, and measurement variables are Reflective

Type 2: LOCs are Formative, and measurement variables are Reflective

Type 3: LOCs are Reflective, and measurement variables are Formative

Type 4: LOCs are Formative, and measurement variables are Formative